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This Tetris project was a test of proficiency with the hatch tool and the use of imputing the length and width of an object into AutoCAD. I was tasked with created a Testris interface using what AutoCAD had at it's disposal. I was also given the specific measurements of the Tetris blocks and the interface size. The font however, was for the student to figure out. On the left is the completed Tetris interface with Tetris blocks, the number of lines, the high score, the level, and the overall score. It also shows which block is next on the right side of the interface. Each of the types of blocks had a different color. And each of the blocks of that color were made up of different shades of that color to indicate shadowing of the block. Lastly, all color coordinates were provided and I was responsible for finding and hatching those colors int he correct places on those blocks.

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