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Snap and Grid Project Fall 2017

The goal of this project was to create shapes, letters, and numbers in order to further make the student understand the features, advantages, and disadvantages of the AutoCAD Engineering program. The first picture on the left demonstrates the final product of the model sketching of letters and numbers put into play by spelling out my first and last name along with my date of birth. The following images below the previously mentioned picture. The second picture shows the utilization of the properties feature of AutoCAD, changing both the bottom half and the top half colors to black and orange. The second image was also drawn using 4 quadrant system where we matched up the points given on the graph. The second to last picture near the bottom demonstrates the correct way to enter coordinates in the AutoCAD system, then labeling those coordinates on the plane itself. The last picture at the bottom demonstrates a completed picture using snap and grid. It is an original version of Galiga put into AutoCAD. It comes with the spaceship, 3 types of alien space ships, stars, high score, and level number at the bottom right.

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