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Beach House Project Fall 2017

This project tasked the student to make a beach house based off of a real structure using their current applicable knowledge of SketchUp in order to make a presentable and enjoyable 3D model. I chose a beach house, which is now a National Guard Museum and photography exhibit in Provincetown, Massachusetts near Cape Cod. This was a fairly old and retired house, and since there were no pictures of it before it was remodeled to a museum, I decided to create a new one based off of the original design. Simple things like the porch railings and complex designs such as the doors in the front and side of the beach house were displayed effectively in this beach house design. I attempted to keep the textures similar to the original house. Everything is textured according to the theme. The boardwalk going out the back door was an add on at the latter part of the project. Finally, since I was working on this beach house around Halloween, I decided to stick with little candle holders in the walls to give it a creepy or old fashioned theme.

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